RO e-Transport Mandatory for All Goods in 2024

RO e-Transport Mandatory for All Goods in 2024

Starting from January 1st, 2024, significant changes introduced by the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 115 / 2023 have modified the provisions of Government Emergency Ordinance 41/2022 regarding the implementation of the RO e-Transport system.

🔍 Key Changes:

  • RO e-Transport system now applies to all types of goods involved in international transport, not just those with high tax risk.

📋 Users Obligated to Declare Data:

  • Consignee listed in customs declaration of import, or consignor listed in customs declaration of export, for goods subject to import/export operations.
  • Beneficiary in Romania, for EU intra-community acquisitions of goods.
  • Supplier in Romania, for EU intra-Community deliveries of goods.
  • Depositary for goods subject to intra-community transactions in transit.

📦 Data to be Declared in e-Transport System:

  • Sender and beneficiary details, characteristics, quantities, and value of transported goods, loading and unloading locations, and transport means information.
  • RO e-Transport system generates a unique UIT code for the transported goods, to be provided to the driver.

🚚 Monitoring Criteria:

  • Road vehicles with authorized maximum mass of at least 2.5 tons.
  • Transporting goods with total gross mass over 500 kg or total value of at least 10,000 lei for each commercial relationship.

🛰️ New Requirements for Transport Operators:

  • Equip vehicles with satellite positioning devices.
  • Ensure transfer of vehicle’s positioning data throughout entire transport route.
  • Start positioning device before starting transport on national territory and stop it only after delivery or leaving Romania.

⚠️ Non-Compliance Sanctions: Non-compliance with new obligations will be sanctioned starting July 1st, 2024.

📢 Conclusion: For goods with high fiscal risk, UIT code is mandatory for both national and international transport. Additionally, UIT code must be obtained for other goods involved in international transport.

For deeper insights and support in navigating the Global eInvoicing universe , our expert team stands ready to assist, guiding each step with strategic, data-driven counsel.

Stay compliant and informed! 📝

Taxera Technologies one Platform, Seamless Global Tax Compliance.