Tax Technology for SAF-T

SAF-T, an OECD-established international standard, enables electronic exchange of accounting and tax data. The XML file streamlines accounting data transmission between organizations, tax administrations, and external auditors. Adopting SAF-T enhances tax authority performance, improving audit results, combating fraud, increasing revenue, and sharing data across countries. Portugal, Luxembourg, France, and Romania use SAF-T for electronic tax returns.

Timely accounting and tax data reporting are crucial. SAF-T preparation entails not only extracting ERP data and submitting it in the required format (*.xml) but also ensuring file accuracy and integrity through preparatory steps.

Taxera seamlessly integrates quality checks and custom client KPIs from its SAF-T & eReporting expertise, offering a streamlined user experience. Trust Taxera for smooth ERP integration and efficient file processing without disrupting business processes. Choose between Taxera or in-house SAF-T file archiving.

Taxera in action

At Taxera, we offer you the tools you need to stay agile and stay ahead of constantly changing tax and regulatory rules, no matter how many countries you do business in. With our unique tax compliance platform, you have access to all the resources you need to keep up with changes in real time. With Taxera, you can be sure to meet all tax obligations while maximizing your performance.


SAF-T Technology Taxera
SAF-T Technology - Taxera Platform
SAF-T Taxera Platforme

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Schedule a consultation with our team of experts for personalized support and guidance on building your Tax Technology platform strategy. Don’t let Tax Technology be a headache – take the first step towards stress-free compliance now.